(опір) оборона до кінця
island of resistance / pocket of resistance
resistance, to break (down) resistance
die in harness
die in the last ditch
die of wounds
SMArt 155 (Suchzünder Munition für die Artillerie 155 [SubMunition / sensor-fuse munition for artillery])
die in place
bed die
bench die
adjourn sine die
live by the sword, die by the sword
observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain,obstacles, and cover and concealment (OAKOC)
air resistance
chemical resistance
countermeasure resistance
crush resistance
frictional resistance
main line of defense (resistance)
main zone (of resistance)
resistance forces
resistance movement
make / offer/ provide/ put up resistance
soften resistance
disrupt resistance
corrosion resistance
weather resistance tire
vibration resistance
engraving resistance
high wear resistance
put up resistance