ефективність суцільноповоротного стабілізатора
differential stabilator
differential stabilator deflection
stabilator actuator
stabilator chatter
stabilator deflection
stabilator motion
stabilator panels
stabilator rate
symmetric stabilator deflection
airspace control authority
coastal authority
coordinating authority
defense shipping authority
delegation of authority
direct liaison authority (DIRLAUTH)
engagement authority (EA)
Local Emergency Management Authority (LEMA)
Milestone Decision Authority (MDA)
NATO military authority (NMA)
operational control authority
port authority
redistribution authority
tasking authority (TA, NATO)
Technical Airworthiness Authority (TAA)
total obligational authority (TOA)
total obligational authority index
transfer of authority (TOA)
United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)
Presidential drawdown authority (PDA)
national authority