легка ціль (не захищена від ударів); незахищена / неукрита ціль
soft kill
soft missile base
soft plastic ricochet projectile
soft power
soft spot
soft–skinned vehicle
Soft Armor Filler (SAF)
soft armour pads
soft mount
soft abrasive cloth
crossing soft ground
jacketed soft point (JSP)
soft-point bullet
soft hail
Gyro Soft Filter
target scattering crossover / target scattering cross-section / electronic target profile
high pay-off target / high-payoff target (HPT)
priority target (high priority target)
target, to obtain a target
complex target / complicated target
target category / target cat
low-RCS target / low-radar-cross-section target
factor OT/BT (observer-target/battery-target factor)
observer-target / battery-target factor (factor OT/BT)
target indication from an auxiliary target
acoustic target-sensor
aerial target
aim at target
area target
automated target detection, tracking, co-ordinate finding and interceptor guidance system
automatic target cueing
automatic target recognition (ATR)