мала війна
area of war/war area
conduct a war / fight a war
tug-of-war (Tug of War / TW)
drone war (world’s first drone war)
Ad Hoc Working Group on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Mine Action (NATO)
automatic small arms
Coordinating Action on Small Arms (CASA)
safety precautions for small arms
small arms (SA)
small arms ammunition (SAA)
small arms and light weapons (SALW)
small scale contingency (SSC)
small tactical unmanned aircraft system (STUAS)
small underwater craft
small unit
small unit combat
smallbore (small-bore)
small-caliber ammunition
small-scale map
small-unit support vehicle (SUSV)
small-yield weapon
straight blowback-operated small arms
UNDP Small Arms Demobilization Unit (SADU)
Greedy Sergeant Major Eats Small Corporals, the (Ground; Situation; Mission; Execution; Service support; Command and signals)
Ground Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB)
small weapons orientation
very small quadcopter
Birmingham Small Arms Company
Indian National Small Arms System
Inspector of Small Arms
small freight