(розм.) (наближатися) атакувати з боку задньої півсфери; повиснути на хвості
all for one and one for all / one for all and all for one
sit on one's hands
sit in one’s saddle
sit on the fence
special interest target (SIT)
sit atop the armor
sit down
sit-down war
sit on the fence / be on the fence (in the Ukraine war)
one-way UAV / one-way attack UAV (OWA UAV)
clipped-delta tail-control surfaces
logistical tail
retarded tail fin
tail fuse
tail rotor blade
tail wind
tail-wheel lock
tail-end Charlie
boat tail
boat-tail base
wheel tail
fox tail
tail-aft aircraft
retractable tail gear
butterfly tail
cruciform tail
horizontal tail
swing tail
tail access ladder