топити без попередження
source-sink method
heat-sink shield
sink with all hands aboard
heat sink
front sight (fore / muzzle sight)
sight, to take a (careful) sight
day-sight (day sight)
modular integrated display and sight helmet (Modular Integrated Display-And-Sight Helmet)
backup iron sight (BIS)
battle sight with notch
battle-sight setting
beyond line-of-sight (BLOS)
computing sight
dial sight
eyepiece of the sight
front sight post
gunner’s auxiliary sight (GAS)
gunner’s sight
gunner's primary sight (GPS)
initial sight setting
integrated sight unit
iron sight
line of sight (missile)
maintaining sight alignment
muzzle bore sight
muzzle sight
night (vision) sight
night sight
night vision sight
non-line-of sight (NLOS)
on-board radar sight