коротке перемир'я
announce a truce
denounce a truce
flag of truce / a white flag
observe a truce
truce agreement
truce enforcement/supervision
truce line
United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO)
special truce
short cartridge
short distance navigational aid
short piston travel
short range air defense (SHORAD) weapon
short range marksmanship (SRM) training
short take off and landing (STOL)
short takeoff air transport
short war
short-delay fuze
short-duration airborne operation
short-range ballistic missile (SRBM)
short-range bomber aviation
short-range guided missile
short-range missile
short-term disablement
short-term plan
short-term planning
surface-to-air missile / short-range
vertical / short takeoff and landing (V/STOL)
SPYDER SR (Surface-to-air Python and Derby Short Range)
short-range nuclear forces / weapons (SNF)