введення в дію (бій) після короткої підготовки
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM); Notice to Air Missions / Notice to Air Men
piecemeal commitment of forces
unit commitment status
active duty category commitment
administrative commitment document
one-shot commitment
man а commitment
piecemeal commitment
notice to move (NTM)
broadcast notice to mariners
field notice to airmen is сurrent
Local Notice to Mariners
Notice to Mariners
no-notice exercise
no-notice readiness evaluation
no-notice service practice
danger notice
Build notice
Open Source / Donation Notice
short cartridge
short distance navigational aid
short piston travel
short range air defense (SHORAD) weapon
short range marksmanship (SRM) training
short take off and landing (STOL)
short takeoff air transport
short war
short-delay fuze
short-duration airborne operation