(рлк.) імпульс від розриву снаряда; сплеск від снаряда (у воді)
shell-splash set
leaflet cartridge; leaflet shell; propaganda shell; leaflet filled shell; leaflet projectile
splash down
splash suit
bullet splash
force and splash lubricating
air-dropped mine splash points location radar system
angle of splash
artillery shell
bearing shell
blind shell
composite shell
fragmentation shell
fused shell
HE round / shell
high explosive fragmentation shell
high-explosive fragmentation projectile / shell (HEF)
mine shell
mortar ammunition (bomb, munition, round, shell)
mortar shell
piercing shell
reinforced shell
shell crater / hole
shell fragment
shell shock
spent shell casing
star shell
sub-calibre shell
shell fuze combination / projectile-fuze combination
burst of a shell
area mining cassette rocket shell