оберіть принаймні одну властивість для логування
all for one and one for all / one for all and all for one
Log number for this flight’s Blackbox log
select log file
least mass design
least engaged unit
Select One
Select one or all motors
deployable forces property accounting data base (DFPAD)
maintenance of real property (MRP)
military property
protection of property
property holding account
echoing property
welfare and morale type property
nonrecoverable property
road holding property of a tire
property class (of the bolt)
one-way UAV / one-way attack UAV (OWA UAV)
log crib
log hurdle
log map
log obstacle
logistics (log)
Logistics Information Management Working Group (LOG IM WG)
station log
evaluation log
operations and logistics division (OPS/LOG)
select tentatives
in-system select
counterbattery log
log-periodic dipole array