приховано розташована ціль
target scattering crossover / target scattering cross-section / electronic target profile
type of target
area-type target
vernier-type wind gauge target sight
drop-type target
balloon-type killable target
air search radar
anti-submarine search
area search
combat search and rescue (CSAR)
cordon and search operation
search jammer
right of search
search and attack operation
search and rescue operation
search and rescue team / unit
search and rescue team leader
search techniques
security search
specialized search and rescue (SSAR)
surface search radar
urban search and rescue team (USAR)
heliborne visit, board, search and seizure
range while search (RWS)
visit, board, search (VBS)
search/tracker radar
infrared search and tracking (IRST)
fast infrared search and track
creeping line search
parallel sweep search
square search
contour search