дії з виявлення та знищення противника
search and destroy
search and destroy mission
cordon and search operation
search and attack operation
search and rescue operation
seek-and-destroy mission
seek and destroy radar-assisted mission
seek-and-destroy patrol
Space System for Tracking Ships and Aircraft in Distress – Search and Rescue Satellite (COSPAS-SARSAT)
destroy a target
destroy material (values)
destroy the enemy
destroy the integrity of the enemy's defense
destroy the morale
destroy infrastructure
destroy in situ / destruction in situ
destroy from the inside
destroy an attack
destroy the continuity of the enemy force
destroy enemy forces
combat search and rescue (CSAR)
search and rescue team / unit
search and rescue team leader
specialized search and rescue (SSAR)
urban search and rescue team (USAR)
heliborne visit, board, search and seizure
infrared search and tracking (IRST)
fast infrared search and track
search and rescue alert
search and rescue communicator
search and rescue operations