рівень моря
sea drogue (see Sea Anchor)
sea-to-sea missile
mean sea level
above sea level (ASL)
sea level atmospheric pressure
sea level pressure
elevation above sea level
above mean sea level (AMSL)
mean sea level (MSL)
depot maintenance (beyond O and I level activities, performed in an industrial-type facility) / D-level maintenance
surveyor's level (surveying level, tbc)
air and sea assault
at sea
at-sea inspection
command of the sea
enclosed sea
high risk sea area
high sea state
human sea attack
land, sea, and air warfare
law of the sea
main high sea fleet
Navy SEALs (SEa, Air, Land)
Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC)
prevention of incidents at sea and in the associated airspace
replenishment at sea
replenishment-at-sea ship
sea area defense
sea area organization
sea control
sea denial