система управління рухом десантно-висадкових засобів (за планом)
approach schedule
disembarkation schedule
exercise schedule
movement schedule
operational schedule
planned schedule
routing schedule
schedule for distribution
time schedule
staggered operations schedule
debarkation schedule
march schedule
schedule of fire
schedule of supply
schedule of type targets
schedule of unloading
slat schedule
assault schedule
fire extinguishing system sprinkler system and fire alarm system
gun control equipment / gun-control equipment (GCE)
individual control (of fire) / individual fire control
anti-torque control pedal / directional control pedal
directional control pedal / anti-torque control pedal
control surface / control-surface
roll-control / roll control
time-gain control / gain time control
fire-control director / fire control director
aileron control rod (from control wheel)
aerodynamic control system
air command and control system (ACCS)
Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS)