(мор.) упряж, збруя, ремені безпеки
main yoke, shoulder harness, H-harness
safety and arming device / safety-and-arming device
fuse (see also `fuze`)
fuze (see also `fuse`)
international humanitarian law (See international law of armed conflict)
maritime forces (see navy)
see and avoid method
see the elephant
hard-to-see target
see active
see war
bottlescrew (see: turnbuckle)
casting (see Back and Fill)
day mark (see dayboard)
headstay (see: forestay)
Rules of the Road (see: Navigation Rules)
SARSAT (see Cospas-Sarsat)
sea drogue (see Sea Anchor)
see action
see combat
see service (in)
see the war through
see the chaplain
climbing and rapelling harness
combat harness
cotton duck harness
die in harness
head harness
electric wiring harness