узбіччя / узбочина злітно-посадкової смуги
shoulder-to-shoulder defense
hinged shoulder rest
rifle butt’s placement in the shoulder
shoulder board
shoulder flash / mark / patch
shoulder gun
shoulder knit
shoulder loop
shoulder marks
shoulder-fired rocket launcher
shoulder-launched multi-purpose assault weapon (SMAW)
main yoke, shoulder harness, H-harness
shoulder-fired air-defense weapon
barrel shoulder
carry shoulder of land
contact shoulder
cowl shoulder
shoulder strap
web shoulder strap
aerodrome pavement bearing shoulder
aerodrome pavement shoulder
earth shoulder
shoulder season fare
taxiway shoulder
recoil shoulder
armor shoulder patch
wave shoulder
fire from the shoulder
tapered from base to shoulder
move up to one’s shoulder
command shoulder insignia
M202 Flash (Flame Assault Shoulder Weapon)