водний рубіж; водна перешкода
river line obstacle
reach the river line
deployment line; line of deployment (LD); line of departure
cut across a river
leap a river
river crossing
bridge the river
left-bank tributary (of the river)
right-bank tributary (of the river)
vault a river
jump a river
river mouth
combined-arms river crossing training
span a river
river current
traverse a river
crash a river on the run
crashing a river on the run
feint river crossing
amphibious assault across the river
river bank
means of river crossing
observer-target line (OT line)
scheme trail line (tag line)
armistice demarcation line
beyond line-of-sight (BLOS)
bulk distribution line
cease-fire line (CFL)
combat outpost line
confrontation line
contact line
contamination control line