чуттєвість до червоної області спектру
cultural and political sensitivity
sensitivity control
high temperature gas sensitivity
sensitivity of motor gasoline
acoustical sensitivity
sensitivity of an aile-ron
sensitivity of an elevator
sensitivity time control (STC)
radio sensitivity
Center Sensitivity
sensitivity (drone)
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
red battle
red beret
red forces
red tab
red phosphorus (RP)
red fume
cluster red star
infra-red telescope
red, right, returning
MIRA (Milan Infra Red Attachment)
IRIS-T SLM (Infra Red Imaging System Tail/Thrust Vector-Controlled, Surface Launched Medium Range)
electro-optical / infra-red (EO/IR)
red, green, blue (RGB)
red lined man
RGB color model (red, green, blue)