зв'язок від фронту до тилу
passage of rearward lines
rearward movement
extreme rearward position
rearward retracting landing gear
rearward passage of lines (RPOL)
rearward friendly lines passage
rearward passage
rearward passage of the covering force
air lines of communication (ALOC)
burst communication
channels of communication
close political-military communication
command and control communication system (C2CS)
command, control and communication (C³) system
command, control and communication support
command, control, computers, communication, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance (C4ISR)
communication and information systems (CIS)
communication and navigation aids (COMNAV)
communication centre
communication circuit
communication point
communication satellite
communication system
communication trench
communications (comm) (= communication)
data transmission and communication system
disruption of lines of communication
ground lines of communication (GLOC)
Information, Communication, Technology Management (ICTM)
interior lines of communication
lines of communication (LOC)