пункт розподілу продовольства
resistance, to break (down) resistance
break down
break down the bracket
break-down fence
break down an attack
tie down / tie-down
cargo tie-down / freight tie-down
freight tie-down / cargo tie-down
ration point
ration split-up point
ration delivery point
ballistic impact point (BIP) / ground (predicted) impact point (PIP)
target approach point; initial point (IP)
triangulation point (trig point)
objective rally point / objective rallying point
point-to-point communication
point-to-point flight
near-side rally point / near side rally point
far-side rally point / far side rally point
haversack ration
iron ration
ration card
ration in kind
unitized group ration (UGR)
X ration scale
ORP / Operational Ration Pack
rations (‘rat packs, ration packs’)
garrison ration
jungle ration
pack ration