обстановка маневрених дій; обстановка, що швидко змінюється
fast-moving situation
commendation for signals transmitted accurately and rapidly
determine rapidly the visible areas of irradiated object
strike rapidly
fast-moving battle (field)
FH70 field howitzer (towed / self-moving)
ground moving target indication format (GMTIF)
moving map display
moving mine; propelled mine
moving-target indication radar
moving force
moving force behind
moving surface
adjustment of moving masses
bumper-to-bumper moving of trucks
fast-moving operations
fire on a moving target
freely moving traffic
moving map ground position indicator
quarters for moving troops
clutter-locked airborne moving target indicator
moving-target indicator (MTI)
MTI mode (moving-target indicator)
moving target indicator constant false alarm rate
airborne moving target indicator
earth-moving crew
earth-moving platoon
moving target selector
firing while moving