рухатися попереду (у першому ешелоні)
Go ahead!
heave ahead
press ahead / forward
dead ahead
aiming ahead of target
cab-ahead-of-engine truck
air burst advanced hit efficiency and destruction (AHEAD)
ahead-of-time loading
ram ahead
go ahead
ahead fire
sprint ahead
reach ahead
long-range standoff missile (long-range stand off, LRSO)
pull-in range / pulling range
range gating / range-gating
range-to-range correlation
beyond visual range / beyond-visual-range (BVR)
advanced medium range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM)
angle of extreme range
artillery range
ballistic missile range
battlefield range ballistic missile
complementary range
cross-country range
cruising range
direct fire range
extended range full bore (ERFB)
extended-range ammunition
extended-range guided missile
field firing range