піддавати запеклому обстрілу, завдавати величезних втрат
rain shower / rain shower precipitation
rain-erosion damage
rain-repellent system
recent rain
recording rain gauge
freezing rain
heavy rain
rain gauge
rain precipitation
rain-intensity gauge
shower of rain and snow
shower rain
torrential rain
rain clutter
Rain clutters over
rain return clutter
rain down shells on the enemy
rain cover
rain down
radioactive rain
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Alliance Policy Framework on Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction
arms destruction
destruction / demolition objective
destruction fire
destruction of aerial targets
destruction of ammunition
destruction of combat materiel
destruction of delivery vehicles
destruction of enemy manpower/personnel
destruction of equipment
destruction of existing stockpiles of chemical weapons