комутатор для радіорелейного зв'язку
radio switching central
switching central
radio switching center
command artillery radio relay company
command radio relay and cable company
radio relay
radio relay facilities
radio relay station
line-of-sight radio-relay system
radio-relay communication
line-of-sight microwave radio relay system
line-of-sight radio relay link
aerial radio relay
radio relay drone
tactical communications radio relay drone
radio relay and field cable interconnection point
radio relay cable network
radio relay operator
radio relay set
radio-relay and carrier operator
radio-relay battalion
radio-relay extension line
radio-relay station
radio-relay system
radio central
automatic switching device
laser target-designator and range-finder switching-on (cutting-in) time tabular value
beam-switching commutator
switching multiplexer
switching unit
laser-activated silicon switching
multidomain switching