квазістаціонарна течія
one-(two-, three) dimensional steady flow
Bernoulli equation for steady barotropic flow of perfect fluid
quasi-hydrodynamic lubrication
quasi-active homing guidance
quasi-combat conditions
quasi-military forces
stationary (fixed, steady) target
steady-state error
steady climb
steady motion of a fluid
steady temperature
air traffic flow management (ATFM)
air-flow indicator
axial-flow (jet) engine
axial-flow turboshaft engine
flow meter
flow point
flow rate
force flow
logistics flow
Main Air Traffic Flow Management Centre (MATFMC)
movement flow point
supply chain flow
unbroken flow of supplies
disrupt the flow of supplies
constant-flow lubrication
down flow carburetor
induce-flow nozzle
flow divider
flow forming
flow over
full-flow filter