цикл з насосною подачею палива
pumping equipment
basic cycle
crisis life cycle
cycle of operation
diesel cycle
four-cycle / four-stroke
intelligence cycle
launch cycle
life cycle
life cycle cost (LCC)
life cycle costing (LCC)
life cycle management (LCM)
Life Cycle Management Group (NATO)
life cycle support (LCS)
reload cycle
respiratory cycle
System Life Cycle Management (SLCM)
two-cycle engine
MOS Life Cycle Manager
denatured-fuel cycle
constant-pressure cycle
automatic double cycle revolver-type rifle
double-cycle scheme high rate-of-fire rifle
haul cycle
Hesselman cycle
Life Cycle Management Group
air cycle machine
four-stroke cycle
landing and take-off cycle (LTO)
reference emissions cycle
reference emissions landing and take-off cycle