захисний засіб (для зменшення ризику)
electronic protective measure (EPM) / electronic counter-countermeasure (ECCM) / electronic protection (EP)
Airspace Control Measure Request (ACMREQ)
control measure
crisis response measure (CRM)
cross / measure swords
denial measure
passive defense measure
tape-measure mine
unit of measure
ground battle measure
noise evaluation measure
administrative nonpunitive measure
closing measure
graphic control measure
coercive measure
Enable Sonar rangefinder to measure distance to ground in cm
chemical protective clothing
collective NBC protective equipment
counter-hollow charge projectile protective screen
electronic protective measures
establishment and maintenance of protective measures
Federal Protective Service
field protective mask
final protective fire (FPF)
final protective line (FPL)
impermeable clothing / protective suit
individual protective equipment (IPE)
military protective gear
NBC protective posture
passive electronic protective measures
permeable protective clothing
personal protective kit