запобіжні дії
delaying actions
Depot Maintenance Actions Working Group (DMAWG)
group of actions
sequence of actions
avert large-scale actions
combat actions support planning
nonlethal actions
actions on
actions strength
GOTWA five point contingency plan (Going, Others, Time, What, Actions)
personnel actions memorandum
crew (preventive) maintenance
preventive & precautionary measures
preventive deployment
preventive diplomacy
preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS)
preventive medicine (PVNTMED)
preventive options
United Nations Preventive Deployment Force (UNPREDEP)
preventive action
preventive deployment force
wear-preventive additive
preventive inspection
corrosion-preventive treatment
preventive repair
preventive-maintenance overhaul
unscheduled preventive maintenance
preventive maintenance
preventive inoculation
periodic preventive maintenance service