теорія шляху змішування за Прандтлем
Prandtl mixing length
Prandtl boundary layer theory
overall length (length overall)
mixing chamber
mixing period
mixing zone
humidity mixing ratio (HMR)
mixing depth
mixing fog
mixing ratio of moist air
boundary layer approximation by Prandtl
Prandtl boundary layer
Prandtl boundary layer theorem
Prandtl hypothesis
Prandtl relation for normal shock waves
Prandtl-Glauert rule
Prandtl-Meyer expansion
Prandtl-Meyer flow
length of barrel
length of service
length of the landing rollout
barrel length
average trip length
blade length
braking length
error in length
aeroplane reference field length
aircraft length
bevel lateral length
length of range resolution cell
loaded waterline length