пересувний зовнішній туалет
portable surface-to-air missile (portable SAM)
outside assistance
outside the continental United States (OCONUS)
outside and inside threat
outside retaining pin
outside clinch
developing assets outside the embassy
outside air temperature
outside air temperature (OAT)
dash pot adjusting screw
dash pot control lever
dash pot type shock absorber
hot pot
pepper-pot muzzle brake
fill pot
flare pot
performance-oriented training (POT)
jam pot
gas pot
smoke pot
fire-pot bomb
folding portable bridge
individual portable filter
man portable air defense system (MANPADS)
multifunctional radio control, direction finding and suppression system (portable) (MKRPP)
non-imaging portable radar sensor
nuclear suitcase bomb; man-portable nuclear weapon
portable anti-tank missile system
portable decontaminating apparatus