дальність прямого пострілу (без необхідності враховувати падіння кулі)
point blank range
blank ammunition
blank cartridge
blank charge
blank side
blank silence
blank unit
blank ammunition attachment
blank fire load
blank firing attachment
blank-firing pistol
blank passports
firing blank
high-pressure blank cartridge
knife blank
blank firing course
fire blank
blank firing attachment (BFA)
ballistic impact point (BIP) / ground (predicted) impact point (PIP)
target approach point; initial point (IP)
triangulation point (trig point)
objective rally point / objective rallying point
point-to-point communication
point-to-point flight
near-side rally point / near side rally point
far-side rally point / far side rally point
range to the point
long-range standoff missile (long-range stand off, LRSO)
pull-in range / pulling range
range gating / range-gating
range-to-range correlation