наносити мережу опорних точок
control plot
List of Operational Contact Points between Vulcanological Agencies, Meteorological Watch Offices and Air Control Center
terrorist plot
polar plot
rearm, refuel, and resupply point (R3P) (фр. plot logistique)
automatic radar plot
plot observer
radar plot officer
plot (something) on a map
plot on a map
radar plot
plot fire
decisive points
insertion points
military vital points
set of points
spotting points
general location of supply points
intervisibility of points
3D model points cloud synthesis
elementary reflectors at the points cloud
optically visible points
points cloud synthesis
vital points
reefing points
focal points of decision
cardinal points reference
air-dropped mine splash points location radar system
metal-to-metal contact points
gun control equipment / gun-control equipment (GCE)
individual control (of fire) / individual fire control