корабель радіолокаційного дозору
radar picket escort ship
radar picket ship
lead ship / name ship / class leader
picket line
picket screen
radar picket
radar picket destroyer
jagged picket fence
radar picket fence
scouting picket
fire picket
aircraft direction picket
bank picket
detail a picket
picket antitank gun
accommodation ship
ammunition ship (AE)
amphibious assault ship (LHA)
amphibious cargo ship
amphibious command ship (LCC)
amphibious ship
amphibious warfare ship (LPD)
anti-ship cruise missile (e.g. Harpoon - USA; R-360 Neptune - Ukraine)
anti-ship missile
anti-submarine ship
anti-submarine warfare ship
auxiliary ship
backbone of the ship
berth a ship
bow (of the ship)
capital ship