особа, яка звинувачується у скоєнні військових злочинів
war crimes suspect
war crimes tribunal
person-to-person negotiations
person-to-person arms
person-to-person message
displaced person
internally displaced person (IDP)
outdoor air intake per person
FPV drone (first-person view)
FPV kamikaze drone (first-person view)
person-borne improvised explosive device (PBIED)
apprehend a person
apprehend a person flagrante delicto
commandeered person
First Person View Goggles (FPV Goggles)
first-person view (FPV)
remote person view (RPV) / video piloting
Suicide Person Borne IED (SPBIED)
person under arrest
first-person view (FPV) drone
area of war/war area
conduct a war / fight a war
tug-of-war (Tug of War / TW)
drone war (world’s first drone war)
Air Force War College
Air War College
all-out war
Army War College
Army war reserve (AWR)
Art of War, the
at war (with)
atomic war / warfare