підрозділ на передньому краї (при круговій обороні)
pull a unit out of the perimeter
perimeter camp
perimeter defense (all-around defense)
perimeter formation
perimeter position
perimeter weapon
bevel half-perimeter
radar range perimeter
night time perimeter assignment
security perimeter
defensive perimeter post (DPP)
perimeter defense
perimeter guard
pull back into a tighter perimeter
maximum missile range perimeter
secure the perimeter
battery coolant unit / battery-coolant unit (BCU)
gear reduction unit / gear-reduction unit
position and navigation unit / position navigation unit (PNU)
pinch (a unit) out of a large unit
administrative support unit
air assault infantry unit
air defense fire unit
air filtration unit
alarm unit
armored cavalry unit
armored unit
artillery unit
assault unit
attached unit
attacking unit