пасивна гідролокаційна станція
passive listening
listening device
surreptitious listening device
wall listening device
passive electronically scanned array (PESA) / passive phased array
illuminating a passive device
passive infrared device
listening post
listening silence
listening surveiilance
check for listening devices
underwater listening post
gaining information by use of listening posts
surreptitious listening
wall listening microphone
radio listening service
air listening post
safety and arming device / safety-and-arming device
air intake device / air-intake device
Reset device options to the recommended defaults on this device target. Except for your custom binding phrase
heat passive homing guidance system
image-intensifying Passive Driving Periscope (PDP)
passive air defense
passive armor
passive counterintelligence measures
passive deception measures
passive defence
passive defense measure
passive defenseequipment
passive defenses
passive detector