схема-наказ; графічний наказ (на кальці)
operation overlay
operation overlay annex
overlay (e.g. air picture)
overlay annex
target overlay
modified combined obstacle overlay
Modified Combined Obstacles Overlay (MCOO)
circulation overlay
administrative overlay
gas situation overlay
concentration and target overlay
fire сapabilities overlay
situation overlay
shelrep overlay
roving-gun location overlay
radar sector-of-scan overlay
chemical operation overlay
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS)
Overlay for the left transmitter stick position
Overlay for the right transmitter stick position
mission-type order
blood type
bomb-type ammunition
bursting-type munitions
coated fabric coverall-type suit
dish-type radar
float-type plane
frequency, intensity, time, type (FITT)
gas-type ammunition
gear-type oil pump
generating-type munition