управління боєживлення артилерійсько-технічної служби
ordnance ammunition depot
ordnance ammunition service
ordnance ammunition battalion
ordnance ammunition brigade
ordnance ammunition company
ordnance ammunition day of supply
ordnance ammunition group
ordnance ammunition renovation unit
ordnance weapons command
ammunition command
advanced explosive ordnance disposal robotic systems AEODRS
aircraft ordnance
bomb ordnance
chief of ordnance
disorientation ordnance
equipment and ordnance recognition
explosive items of ordnance
explosive ordnance (devices)
explosive ordnance
explosive ordnance disposal (EOD)
explosive ordnance disposal personnel
explosive ordnance load
external ordnance
naval ordnance
ordnance battalion
Ordnance Corps (OrdC)
ordnance depot (explosive disposal control)
ordnance depot
ordnance detector
ordnance factory/plant
ordnance locator
ordnance maintenance