мінно-вибухова загорода / загородження (МВЗ)
wad (used in loading firearms)
used cartridge
used liquid
used oil regenerator
used petroleum products
no aids used approach
Battery capacity used
Battery capacity used in Wh
Battery mAh used
Battery Wh used
Defines used
Fixed duty cycle level to be used when using sine mode
Graphical used
Set means the value given will be used
explosives liveability
high explosives
home-made explosives
initiator (explosives)
NATO Security Principles for the Storage of Military Ammunition and Explosives
Stand-Off Explosives Detection Programme (STANDEX)
explosives safety
license for facilities engaged in the manufacture, storage, and use of explosives, hazardous chemicals or substances posing a fire / explosive hazard
explosives precursors
limited explosives precursor
regulated explosives precursor
explosives detector
Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
ad hoc group of experts on the detection of explosives
ammunition and explosives depot