група експертів з питань прольоту перешкод
obstacle clearance altitude (OCL)
obstacle clearance height
obstacle clearance limit (OCL)
obstacle clearance surface
obstacle clearance takeoff
air traffic clearance
clearance decontamination
clearance time
debris clearance
diplomatic clearance
fuselage and landing gear clearance zone
load clearance zone
percentage clearance
route clearance
clearance of fires
final clearance for the targets
post clearance assessment
post clearance inspection
safe terrain clearance
start-up clearance
take-off clearance
beach clearance unit (BCU )
clearance of overhead crossovers of a bridge
forward side slope ground clearance
axle clearance
bolt-sleeve clearance
clearance adjusting nut
clearance between barrel and forearm
clearance between the cars
clearance delivery
clearance leakage
clearance of the initial point