поперечна нестійкість (ЛА); вплив негативного поперечного V (крила)
wing-in-ground-effect amphibious craft; ground-effect vehicle (GEV); wing-in-ground-effect (WIG); ground-effect craft; wingship; flarecraft; ekranoplan
negative dihedral
negative dihedral situation
negative dihedral wing
dihedral effect
wing dihedral effect
infrared / negative ultraviolet (IR/NUV) seeking
negative electrical charge
negative report
battery negative post
negative source
negative stability
negative vertical acceleration
negative contact
negative sensor
negative enemy contact
negative contact (in cloud)
negative contact on
Enables reversible motor direction to provide negative thrust and allow inverted flight
basic local dihedral angle
dihedral canards
dihedral stability
dihedral tailplane
downward dihedral
effective dihedral angle
effective dihedral derivative
effective dihedral parameter
lateral dihedral
local dihedral angle
local effective dihedral angle