подяка в наказі по кораблю ВМС
meritorious unit commendation
Air Defense Command Commendation Certificate
Air Force Commendation Medal
Army Commendation Medal
commendation (cmd)
commendation for signals transmitted accurately and rapidly
commendation medal
commendation ribbon
letter of commendation
oral commendation
Queen's commendation for valuable service in the air
reserve special commendation ribbon
Joint Service Commendation Medal
commendation list
commendation ribbon with (metal) pendant
Department of the Navy (DN)
maritime forces (see navy)
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Naval Forces; Navy
Navy Armaments Section
Navy Department
navy group; naval group
Navy Liaison Element (NALE)
Navy Officer Candidate School
Navy SEALs (SEa, Air, Land)
navy special operations forces
Navy Special Warfare (NSW)
Office of the Secretary of the Navy
operating forces of the Navy
regular navy