дульний (вкладний) візир (для перевірки нульової лінії прицілювання)
boresight equipment
Trails, Lay, Aimpoint established, Boresight verified, Safe [verification of lay], Prefire checks performed, Ammunition Prepared
breech boresight
dry boresight
wet boresight
boresight apparatus
center of the muzzle
front sight (fore / muzzle sight)
muzzle bore sight
muzzle brake
muzzle face
muzzle loading
muzzle sight
muzzle velocity
passive muzzle brake
muzzle velocity management
muzzle reference system (MRS)
muzzle safety
muzzle safety distance
bell muzzle
active-reactive muzzle brake
calculated muzzle velocity
crowning muzzle
wear muzzle velocity
developed muzzle velocity
double-baffle muzzle brake
face of the muzzle (of the piece)
false muzzle
finishing muzzle