псевдоциліндрична картографічна проекція
projection; force / power/ strength projection
confidential-modified / confidential modified handling (authorized information)
cylindrical array sonar
cylindrical deflector analyzer
cylindrical portion of bullet
cylindrical fuselage
cylindrical coordinates
force projection
high-velocity projection of fragments
orthomorphic projection
projection note
smoke projection
naval power projection ashore
naval power projection forces
chemical grenade-projection adapter
composite-modified double-base propellant
extended range modified integrated system
high-vinyl modified epoxy
modified bracketing method
modified burn bus
modified combined obstacle overlay
Modified Combined Obstacles Overlay (MCOO)
modified external configuration
modified handling authorized
modified integrated program summary
modified integration digital analogue simulator
modified military pay voucher system
modified mission
modified quarantine
modified refresher training
modified tables of organization and equipment
order hereby modified