missile launching meteorological support
метеозабезпечення пусків ракет
метеозабезпечення пусків ракет
Meteorological Terminal Aviation Routine Weather Report / Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR)
gunnery meteorological support
guided missile launching system (GMLS)
launching battery (missile battery)
launching position (missile position)
launching сrew training missile
ballistic missile launching site
air support field pack, field pack air support, airborne / para (air support) / Pathfinder Bergen
Meteorological and Oceanographic Operations (METOC)
meteorological conditions of fire
operational meteorological data regional exchange point (OPMET)
regional meteorological service/ regional weather service (RWS)
actual conditions meteorological report
visual meteorological conditions (VMC)
aerodrome meteorological observing systems study group
aerodrome meteorological office
working group on meteorological services to be provided to international general aviation