торгове судно, судно торгового флоту
merchant ship communication system (mercomm system)
merchant ship control zone
merchant ship reporting and control message system
merchant convoy
merchant shipping
merchant vessel (MV)
ribbon merchant
feather merchant
lead ship / name ship / class leader
accommodation ship
ammunition ship (AE)
amphibious assault ship (LHA)
amphibious cargo ship
amphibious command ship (LCC)
amphibious ship
amphibious warfare ship (LPD)
anti-ship cruise missile (e.g. Harpoon - USA; R-360 Neptune - Ukraine)
anti-ship missile
anti-submarine ship
anti-submarine warfare ship
auxiliary ship
backbone of the ship
berth a ship
bow (of the ship)
capital ship
combatant ship
command and communications ship
command ship
customer ship
decoy ship
degaussing ship
delivering ship