мотопіхотна рота
anti-materiel rifle (AMR); large caliber (sniper) rifle
automatic heavy barrel rifle / heavy barrel automatic rifle
error of the rifle (error of the rifle)
rifle company
landing craft mechanized (LCM)
mechanized infantry
mechanized infantry battalion (MiB)
mechanized infantry brigade
mechanized infantry combat vehicle (MICV)
mechanized infantry division
mechanized antitank weapon
mechanized weapon
mechanized forces
auxiliary mechanized flame thrower
security against mechanized forces
amphibian mechanized infantry
main armament mechanized flame thrower
company tactical group / company tactical team
administrative company / administrative support company
air rifle
assault rifle
basic rifle marksmanship (BRM)
dazzle rifle (dazzler)
Dragunov sniper rifle (SVD)
empty a rifle
Guards Motor Rifle Division (GMRD)
heavy assault rifle
motorized rifle brigade (MRB)
motorized rifle division
motorized rifle troops
mountain motorized rifle brigade