mass scatterable mine
міна для суцільного дистанційного мінування методом розкиду / внакид
міна для суцільного дистанційного мінування методом розкиду / внакид
off-route mine (ORM); horizontal action mine; horizontal effects mine; side-hitting mine
AT2 scatterable anti-tank mine
artillery and rocket delivered scatterable mine system
mine-anchor cable; mine-anchor line
Anti-personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) / Ottawa Treaty / Mine Ban Treaty (the)
integrated mine action and development (linking mine action and development)
buried mine mine-hunting system
tension release action mine / tension-release action mine
anti-boat mine / antiboat mine
anticlearance mine / anti-clearance mine
anti-invasion mine / antiinvasion mine (AIM)
anti-landing mine / antilanding mine
beach defense mine / beach-defense mine
Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) Ottawa Convention Mine Ban Treaty (MBT)
Ad Hoc Steering Group on Weapons of Mass Destruction (NATO)
Alliance Policy Framework on Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction