створювати перешкоду для ведення вогню; закривати сектор обстрілу
field protective mask
gas mask
gas mask test
optical gas mask
protective mask
armor ballistic bullet proof face mask
armor face mask
covering mask
head lamp mask
hose gas mask
mask microphone
quick-donning mask
quick-donning oxygen mask
ABC-protective mask
acid and organic vapors gas mask
back carry position (of the gas mask)
noncombatant mask
gas position of the mask
service gas mask
clear the mask
fire brigade gas mask
beanie face mask
side carry position of the gas mask
canisterless mask
all-purpose gas mask
CBR mask
CBR protective mask
air-delivered fires
combat functions (warfighting functions WFF) - Command and Control; Intelligence; Fires; Movement and Maneuver; Protection; Sustainment
conventional and nuclear fires