цілевказівний (сигнальний) снаряд
leaflet cartridge; leaflet shell; propaganda shell; leaflet filled shell; leaflet projectile
round-to-round laying
round-to-round scatter
HE round / shell
mortar ammunition (bomb, munition, round, shell)
balance marking
marking and identifying panels
marking equipment
marking fire
marking sign
minefield marking equipment
tactical marking / signs
hazard marking system
marking system
permanent marking system
target marking equipment
case marking
weight-zone marking
Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection
runway marking
day marking
aiming point marking
aircraft stand marking
packing and marking
pre-threshold zone marking
taxiway marking
visual marking panel
Uniform State Waterway Marking System (USWMS)
target marking
target-marking capability
fire marking group